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Vulva Diversity Project

 My Vulva and I

A lot of people ask Charlotte why she helped make a book that featured 200 vulvas and the stories behind them?

Here’s why:

  • Labiaplasty is the fastest growing cosmetic surgery in the world

  • Leading adolescent gynaecologist Dr Naomi Crouch has said that girls as young as nine were seeking the cosmetic procedure because they were distressed by the appearance of their vulva

  • More than 200 girls under 18 had labiaplasty on the NHS. More than 150 of were under 15

  • Her friend is the incredible body artist behind casting the 200 vulvas, who is a huge advocate for body positivity.

    Check her out here: Lydia Reeves Artist

The book includes 200 vulva casts lovingly created by Lydia, and a 100 stories from the participants of the project about their relationship with their vulvas. These stories share such varied experiences they have had, anecdotes of specific points in their lives, and thoughts and feelings towards their vulvas. They’re heartwarming, joyous, upsetting, enraging, eye opening, educational and liberating.

A celebration of vulva diversity, this book hopes to help us all feel less alone in our experiences, the journey we have been on with our bodies, and our thoughts and feelings towards our own vulvas.

Whether it’s questions around the size of our labia, pubic hair, sharing experiences of sexual trauma and abuse, disease, discharge, pornography, giving birth, or reclaiming sexuality. The Vulva Diversity Book and its authors are here to speak openly, freely, and without judgement.

Lydia then put together an art exhibition, where the public could see all the actual casts of all 200 vulvas. Each story was recorded from the book and put into a Spotify playlist, so you could listen to them whilst walking around the exhibition. Click here for the Spotify playlist

A percentage of the book is going to help fund taking this message into secondary school education. It’s a constant but slow push for change and acceptance that we are all normal and beautiful.

If you would like to get behind this project you can buy a book here.